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Social Media              TV & Radio              PR              Content Writing

Outdoor Ads              Email                        SMS            Brand Strategy

Social Media              TV & Radio              PR              Content Writing               Outdoor Ads              Email                  SMS                Brand Strategy

2021 Q1 MT Social Media and Email Marketing


Social Media Service

The Social Media Marketing Service for the period of February and March are being charged with this invoice which includes the following:


  • Designing 45 posts per month for the Martinni Facebook page.
  • Designing 45 posts per month (135 grid posts) posts for the Martinni Instagram page.


  • Page optimisation.
  • Replying to comments.
  • Deleting abusive, spam and scam comments.


  • Creating taglines and one-liners for designed posts.
  • Creating captions and hashtags for posts.

Email Marketing Service

  • The Email Marketing Service charges for the months of February and March are being charged with this invoice.
  • This includes creating, adding content, designing and sending 2 email newsletters per week to Martinni’s customer list during the three months.
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